Fallen Leaves (2023) Review

by | Oct 15, 2023 | Destination Reviews, Movies

This film was screened as part of the Chicago International Film Festival 2023.

Love, like life, is a tumultuous journey fraught with unexpected twists and turns, particularly within the realm of tragic comedy. In “Fallen Leaves” or “Kuolleet lehdet,” the heart-wrenching tale revolves around Ansa, a grocery store clerk whose very name, ironically, embodies her entrapment in a cycle of despair. Each day is a relentless struggle against the suffocating weight of her dead-end job, her meager wages barely enough to scrape by. It’s a bleak existence, painted in shades of resignation and longing.

Enter Holappa, a soul as equally adrift in the sea of life’s miseries. His days are swallowed whole by the monotony of a factory job, his nights drowned in the numbing embrace of alcohol. Their encounter is a collision of loneliness, two lost souls finding fleeting solace in each other’s brokenness. Yet, beneath the surface, their connection is fraught with the silent screams of unspoken pain and unfulfilled dreams.

Director Aki Kaurismäki’s vision pierces through the veil of societal isolation to expose the raw, pulsating heartbeats of his characters. In their embrace, he captures the essence of human frailty and the relentless pursuit of connection in a world that often feels indifferent to our struggles. Yet, amidst the tears and laughter, there lies a profound tragedy—their inability to bridge the vast chasm that separates their worlds.

For Ansa and Holappa, the journey towards love is fraught with perilous obstacles, their disparate backgrounds serving as cruel reminders of the barriers that divide them. It’s a dance of shadows and light, a delicate balance between hope and despair that leaves the audience spellbound in its wake.

As the film unfolds at a languid pace, each moment pregnant with unspoken emotion, we are reminded of the fragile beauty of human connection. Through whispered conversations and stolen glances, we witness the fragile tendrils of love taking root in the barren landscape of their lives.

Yet, for all its beauty and poignancy, “Fallen Leaves” leaves us haunted by the lingering question: Can love truly conquer all, or are some wounds too deep to heal? In its exploration of the human condition, the film beckons us to confront our own vulnerabilities and embrace the fleeting moments of connection that illuminate the darkness of our existence.

In the end, “Fallen Leaves” stands as a testament to the power of cinema to evoke emotions and provoke introspection. It’s a journey into the depths of the human soul, where love and despair intertwine in a delicate dance of longing and redemption.

Written by Chike Coleman

Chike Coleman started writing film criticism in 2009 and has been doing so for 15 years. He began travel writing to highlight the lack of consideration for individuals with physical challenges in travel.

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